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Baxter Fielding - Interpretation

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Eccentric and secret genius that he was, Bosch not only moved the heart, but scandalised it. The monstrous things that he brought forth are the hidden creatures of our inward self-love

Henry Miller

Personally, the way I’d describe my interpretation of this painting would be the divide of dissimilar individuals.

To further explain my interpretation, looking at the painting, there are 3 main parts to it. The left side, the right side and finally the middle. I believe, depending on what side the people are on, the side that they are on in the painting is the way that they go about living and how they experience life. Therefore making people on different sides of the painting dissimilar. For example, looking at the right side of the painting, the main aspect of it, seems to be very dark, aggressive and violent, as there are plenty of scenarios of death. However even though this side sparks those emotions, I would explain this right side to be the “party side” of the painting. Rather than relating the dead people on the floor to actual death, interpreting that as them being intoxicated from this massive party. This could also be understood through the various instruments being played.

Furthermore, looking at the left side, I’d say it is the complete opposite to the right side as I would interpret those people as introverts who do not like to party and like to go about life on their own or in small surroundings. Visible through the small number of individuals within the left side, and as well as there being animals all doing their own thing This clearly contrasts my interpretation of the right side (them being more like extroverts).

Moreover the middle section, which I would interpret as the closest possible comparison between the left and right side. Within this middle section, you have aspects from both sides. For example, there are plenty of people seeming to be in big communities, as if they are partying, I.E. the girls in the swimming pool and everyone around them. This would correlate to the right side, or the extroverted side. However, you have also got elements of peace and organisms getting on with their own way of life, but still involving themselves in the different lifestyle.

To conclude my interpretation, the left and right side emulates the divide of dissimilar individuals, but the middle shows a life where both dissimilar groups of individuals can come together.