Baxter Fielding

Working collaboratively has formed a large part of Baxter’s musical journey at Futureworks

Baxter Fielding is a student at Futureworks University, studying music production, pursuing his dream of becoming an artist. Involved in a Rap/Hip-Hop duo (known as Mnr020) with his good friend Liam Pickles, Baxter is the lead vocalist/ rapper who uses his abilities to carry many of the hooks present in the songs, matching wit and flow to create catchy hooks. Having grown up listening to both the U.K. and US scenes one can see the inspiration within the songs. This promising young up and coming duo have released their debut self produced and published album ‘Ode To The Third Estate’, which came out on the 4th of September 2020, setting the tone and mood for the end of summer.

Although Baxter’s main genre of music is Rap and Hip-Hop, he has, over the last few years whilst developing his musical production skills at Futureworks, come to enjoy creating music that combines multiple genres – his latest song, ‘Mystic’’ demonstates this showcasing a Reggae/Trap beat, with Rock vocals.

Working collaboratively has formed a large part of Baxter’s musical journey at Futureworks, allowing him to introduce another genre of music to his resume. ‘I Love You’, a Jazz piece recorded in 2021, was made in collaboration with David Cummins and Joe Savage. Improving his studio skills is another aspect of the music business Baxter engaged in at Futureworks, learning to mix and record in the studios on consoles such as their SSL, Neve and Toft mixing desks.

As a member of the group for the ‘Inspirations’ project, Baxter hopes to have utilised his vocal abilities to help carry songs and voice overs and as well as his research skills to help work towards a successful outcome of the assignment.